Phenolics and diarylheptanoid from Alpinia mutica

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Hasnah M. Sirati
Ahmad A. Rahman


. Chemical extraction of the rhizomes of Alpinia mutica and purification afforded several compounds whose structures have been identified by spectroscopic methods. The compounds are pinocembrin, 5,6-dehydrokawain, flavokawin B, 1,7-dipheny1-5-hydroxy-6-hepten-3-one, a-bergamotene, p-bisabolene, stigmasta-5-en-3-ol and stigmasta-5, 22-dien-3-ol.


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How to Cite
M. Sirati, H., & A. Rahman, A. (2017). Phenolics and diarylheptanoid from Alpinia mutica. Malaysian Journal of Science, 18(1), 23–25. Retrieved from
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