The Impact of Natural Element’s Forms in Emergency Unit Room Toward Nurse Motivation And Attitude During Night Shift: Case Of Santo Borromeus Hospital

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Arnanti Primmiana Yuniati
Prabu Wardono
Yuni Maharani


The importance of medication quality has made many researchers and hospital management tried to research the way to increase nurses work performance. Studies had found that motivation and work attitude in healthcare are critical to boost nurses work performance. Various methods were strived to improve motivation and work attitude, one of them is by applying nature elements. Other research found that nature restores both human physical and mind. The objective of this research is to improve Emergency Unit nurse motivation and attitude by placing nature form both natural and artificial, during night shift. Motivation and attitude can be measured by mood, further, positive mood improves motivation and work attitude. The experiment was held by giving 6 nature form conditions through digital animation walkthroughs as stimuli and evaluated by mood, motivation, and attitude questionaire using 7 scales of T'Likerts. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) is used as mood questionnaire, while motivation and attitude questionnaire adapt from nurses’ duties. The research found that mood, motivation, and attitude affect each other. Every nature form in interior stimulates specific mood, motivation, and attitude responses. Besides that, artificial nature form, especially nature form on the floor, is the most preferable to improve nurse motivation and attitude.


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