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Bangladesh still needs to ratify UNDRIP-2007 and ILO-1989/169 as a member of the UN and ILO. This article aims to discuss the unregulated Minority Rights in light of two major international treaties—UNDRIP-2007 and ILO-1989/169 concerning the Santal community of Bangladesh. This study explores the gaps and problems in establishing Minority rights under the regime of SDGs and how to overcome these to ensure the development of this community. According to the National Census 2011, Santal, along with other ethnic groups, is not identified as a distinctive 'Indigenous group' but as a small minority group. Methodologically, this study takes an ethnographic approach, aided by secondary data, reflecting diverse perspectives. Consecutively, Santal's identity is that of a minority, and their identity is an illusion. These hurdles, by all means, push them to lag behind most people in society. The Santals have been severely deprived of advantages and possibilities, struggling to compete with the majority of Bengalis to access the shared resources or property pools. This study proposes some legal ratification amendments of existing policies to become a conduit to make a sustainable community development framework for enduring the minority's rights and national prosperity and accelerating to reach the goals 2030.


Santal community Ethnic minority Bangladesh Human rights UNDRIP ILO 169 SDGs

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