Tasawuf dalam Kehidupan Kontemporari: Perjalanan Neo-Sufisme

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H. Muzakkir


The article will discuss about neo-Sufism, its characteristics and its relation to modern society. Neo-Sufism is a doctrine on esoteric values of religious practices that urges man to involve in society actively and put a good attention to their social problems. Neo-Sufism insists on the well-balanced religious life between worldly and heavenly life for both are really vital to Muslim. Hence, the Neo-Sufism offers the concept of tawazun or well-balanced as its principle.



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How to Cite
Muzakkir, H. (2007). Tasawuf dalam Kehidupan Kontemporari: Perjalanan Neo-Sufisme. Jurnal Usuluddin, 26, 63–70. Retrieved from http://mjs.um.edu.my/index.php/JUD/article/view/5417