Metodologi Penulisan Bulugh Al-Maram Sebagai Kitab Hadith Al-Ahkam

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Ishak Hj. Sulaiman


Kitab Bulugh al-Maram is regarded as a source of reference of Hadith al-Ahkam and written by Ibn Hajar al- 'Asqalani, a Hadith scholar who lived in the 8th century of Hijrah. This article is focused on Bulugh al-Maram's methodology including the contents and arrangement of each book and chapter, and also the use of specific terms for its Hadith.


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How to Cite
Hj. Sulaiman, I. (1999). Metodologi Penulisan Bulugh Al-Maram Sebagai Kitab Hadith Al-Ahkam. Jurnal Usuluddin, 10, 1–20. Retrieved from