ALBASIRAH JOURNAL <p>Al­-Basirah Journal is a refereed academic journal published by Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya Education Centre. The journal provides articles written by academia on the areas of Islamic Studies. </p> <p>Online ISSN 0128-3235</p> <p>Print ISSN 2232-0423</p> Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya Education Centre en-US ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2232-0423 Sorotan Kajian Literatur Bersistematik: Manhaj Akidah, Fiqah dan Tasawuf Tarekat Aḥmadiyyah Sayyid Aḥmad Ibn Idrīs <p><em>This article examines the creed, jurisprudence, and sufism methodology of the Aḥmadiyyah Order pioneered by Sayyid Aḥmad ibn Idrīs. His unique stance on these aspects distinguishes him from other ṭarīqah. Thus, he is known as a Reformist figure for his efforts in reforming several doctrines traditionally adhered to by previous ṭarīqahs. Consequently, this research aims to review existing literature to identify the methodology of this order. The research methodology employs the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach to ensure a systematic literature screening process. A total of nine past literatures have been selected for analysis. The findings indicate that Ibn Idrīs inclined towards the Salaf creed, while in terms of jurisprudence, he adhered to the Mālikī school in matters of customs and the Muḥaddithīn school in matters of worship. In terms of sufism, he pioneered the Aḥmadiyyah Ṭarīqah as a path to achieving the essence of sufism. His principles have become a guiding light for the followers of the Aḥmadiyyah Order, as he is its pioneer. These findings demonstrate that the innovations introduced by him have enriched the Islamic scholarly and spiritual heritage and broadened the spectrum of Sufi understanding and practice within the Sufi tradition.</em></p> Ahmad Syahmi Ahmad Mohtari Yasim Syed Mohammad Hilmi Syed Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 1 22 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.1 Aplikasi Penggunaan Kaedah Al-Darurah Tubih Al-Mahzurat dalam Penggunaan Ubat Pencair Darah bagi Wanita Mengandung dan Bersalin <p><em>This study aims to examine the application of the al-Darurah Tubih al-Mahzurat method in the use of blood thinners for pregnant women. The al-Darurah Tubih al-Mahzurat method was introduced as an alternative approach in addressing the need for medications during pregnancy by emphasizing the safety and effectiveness of the use of blood thinners in this group. This study involves a review of literature studies and analysis through a comparative and inductive approach to the qawaid fiqhiyyah used in resolving this dilemma. The results of the study show that the use of the al-Darurah Tubih al-Mahzurat method allows blood thinners to be used by pregnant women and after childbirth when there is an urgent need such as the risk of thrombosis or more serious complications that can threaten the lives of the mother and baby. The analysis found that the balance of considerations maslahah and mafsadah is the main pulse in determining the ruling on the use of the medication. This study found that this method, al-Darurah Tubih al-Mahzurat, is very suitable for application in resolving this dilemma as well as providing practical guidance in maintaining the health of pregnant women and after childbirth.</em></p> Nur Suhada Mohd Zainun Norhidayah Pauzi Raihana Abdul Wahab Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 23 34 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.2 Sumbangan Muhammad Basiuni Imran (m.1974) dalam Pendidikan di Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia <p><em>Education is a cornerstone of Islamic civilisation, fostering intellectual and moral development. Throughout history, numerous Islamic scholars have proposed significant ideas to advance education. In the Malay Archipelago, Muhammad Basiuni Imran stands out as a prominent figure who contributed substantially to improving educational quality. Serving as Maharaja Imam during the Sambas Sultanate in West Kalimantan, he initiated numerous reforms in education, which, at the time, took place in teachers' homes, mosques, and royal palaces. This study examines the background, life, and educational contributions of Muhammad Basiuni Imran, with a particular focus on his thoughts and strategies for educational reform in Sambas, West Kalimantan. Employing a qualitative methodology and content analysis design, the research draws on data from documents, interviews, and observations. Thematic analysis was used to explore his ideas and approaches. The findings reveal that Muhammad Basiuni Imran emphasised essential characteristics for educators and introduced innovative educational models. He established Madrasah Sulthaniyah and Tarbiyatul Islam, institutions that integrated ‘aqli (intellectual) and naqli (revealed) knowledge. Furthermore, he conducted informal religious studies through Majlis Tashwir, fostering community engagement in Sambas. These efforts highlight his key role in the advancement of education in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.</em></p> Norahida Mohamed Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 35 53 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.3 Pendekatan Syariah dalam Menggalakkan Amalan Hijau melalui Dana Zakat: Satu Kajian Awal <p><em>Climate change and environmental degradation are major global challenges that require holistic solutions. In the context of Islam, zakat as a unique financial instrument has great potential to support sustainability efforts through the promotion of green practices. This article examines how the sharia approach can be used to leverage zakat funds in promoting green initiatives. This study uses a qualitative methodology through the analysis of relevant literature and compares it with the Islamic legal framework. The results of the study show that zakat funds can be used to support sustainability projects such as environmental conservation, natural resource management and green awareness education. This article concludes that zakat can play an important role in addressing climate change by ensuring its use is in line with sharia principles.</em></p> Muhammad Ilhamuddin Arsad Hafiz Jamaludin Siti Aisyah Samudin Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 54 67 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.4 Indikator, Prospek dan Cabaran Masjid dalam Membangunkan Modal Insan Berintegriti: Satu Kajian Kes di Negeri Johor <p><em>This study aims to analyze the indicators, prospects and challenges faced by the Johor State Mosque in an effort to develop human capital with integrity. The mosque as an important institution in the Islamic community plays a significant role in the formation of moral values ​​and individual integrity. This case study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and document analysis to obtain relevant data. The results of the study found that the Johor State Mosque has implemented various programs such as religious talks, Quran study classes and community activities that aim to strengthen the value of integrity in the community. However, there are several key challenges identified, including lack of financial resources, lack of involvement of the younger generation and mosque leadership issues. Despite this, this study also identified positive prospects such as support from the state government and potential strategic collaboration with educational institutions and non-governmental organizations. This study suggests that a more inclusive and innovative approach be applied to ensure the effectiveness of human capital development programs with integrity in mosques. The implications of this study provide guidance to mosque management and stakeholders in strengthening the institutional role of the mosque as an agent of social change.</em></p> Fadzil Sohar Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin Ibrahim Adham Mohd Rokhibi Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 68 89 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.5 Amalan Maṭla’ al Hilal Menurut Pandangan Ahli Falak dalam Penentuan Kalendar Hijri <p><em>Visibility of the young crescent moon in a single area of maṭla' for determining the date of the Hijri Calendar is one of the processes that influence the Hijri Calendar. This process directly influences the Hijri Calendar practices and the timing of significant events such as Ramadan and Syawal celebrations. Determining the maṭla' involves the precise observation of the young crescent moon, conducted by experts skilled in lunar cycles and equipped with established visibility criteria accordingly MABIMS criteria. This study explores the perspectives of Islamic astronomy scholars from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam on integrating traditional fiqh principles with contemporary astronomical tools in moon-sighting practices. A study was conducted to obtain the true meaning of maṭla' that can be used by countries in the Southeast Asian region. The respondents were interviewed, and the study suggests that maṭla' MABIMS can be used as a coordination instrument in the field.</em></p> Muhammad Ridzuan Hashim Mohd Saiful Anwar Mohd Nawawi Sa'adan Man Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 90 105 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.6 Penulisan Tafsir Nusantara: Cabaran dan Penyelesaiannya <p><em>The number of Nusantara tafsir works available today is evidence of the hard work of Nusantara exegetes in conveying an understanding of the Quran to the community. The development of Nusantara tafsir writing is an important area of study, though it comes with its own unique challenges and requires specific approaches to address them. This study employs a library research method, examining literature that discusses common issues related to challenges in the study of Nusantara tafsir. One identified challenge is the lack of efforts to examine the intertextuality present in Nusantara tafsir books, which can be addressed by increasing incentives for researchers. Limited access to Nusantara tafsir sources and a lack of efforts to perform takhrij (critical assessment and verification) of these books also pose significant challenges for Nusantara tafsir researchers. The role of authorities and institutions is essential in expanding access for researchers to the original Nusantara tafsir sources and in providing greater incentives for takhrij, which requires a large, skilled workforce. Other challenges, such as language barriers and writing style, can be overcome by vernacularizing these books to a language style and dialect suitable for modern society. The lack of relevant learning technology also hampers the efforts to disseminate Nusantara tafsir writings and can only be resolved through a holistic approach, including the development of applications that can be utilized by the general public This study could be further improved with a more in-depth and targeted analysis of each of the listed challenges.</em></p> Muhammad Tajudin Ismail Nor Syamimi Mohd Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 106 117 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.7 A Critical Analysis of the Neglect of Recruiting the Lower Class by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood <p><em>This research delves into the evolution of political Islam as an ideology within the Muslim Brotherhood, with a specific focus on its recruitment strategies and the neglect of the lower class in Egypt. It examines how the movement initially emerged from the lower class, transitioned to target the middle class, and eventually shifted attention towards the middle and upper class, while providing minimal support to the lower class in terms of daily needs and assistance. This neglect of the lower class has led to the loss of millions of supporters, some of whom have aligned themselves with the government, actively opposing the Muslim Brotherhood and lending street legitimacy to anti-Brotherhood demonstrations during pivotal events such as the January Revolution of 2011 and the military coup in 2013. These occurrences prompt crucial questions and suggestions for the Muslim Brotherhood to reconsider its ideology and approach, particularly towards the lower class, which remains a significant demographic in shaping the movement's future political trajectory.</em></p> Omar Gomaa Ahmed Mohamed Mehmet Ozalp Omer Atilla Ergi Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 118 129 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.8 راهنية اللغة العربية في جامعة الحكمة، إلورن: تحديات وآفاق <p><em>The current status of the Arabic language at Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin: Challenges and Prospects reflect important and intriguing issues in the educational field. Addressing these challenges and exploring future prospects highlights the significant importance of learning and developing Arabic within a dynamic university environment such as Al-Hikmah University in Ilorin. This topic sheds light on recent developments in the field of languages and humanities studies, emphasizing the modernizing factors and transformations that impact the status and role of Arabic as an academic and cultural language within and beyond the university. By analyzing this current situation, the paper discusses the challenges facing teaching Arabic at the university and future prospects for developing this field. The status of the Arabic language at Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, is among the important and interesting issues in the educational field. By confronting challenges and exploring future prospects, this topic demonstrates the great importance of learning and developing the Arabic language in a dynamic university environment such as Al-Hikmah University of Ilorin. To achieve its goals, the researcher tries to divide the questions into several sections: the first is related to the status of Arabic at the university, the second is: the background of the Arabic language among students at the university, the third is: the importance of Arabic among students, the fourth is: types of challenges that students face, and the fifth is: ways to address these challenges. Despite this, the research deals with the concept of language and its function, the emergence of the Arabic language and its spread in Nigeria, the relationship of the Arabic language with the Islamic religion, and then the role of religious associations in establishing public and private Arabic schools in the country in general and at Al-Hikmah University in particular.</em></p> Abdussalam Aminu Atotileto Uthman Abdussalam Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 130 143 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.9 جهود الشيخ الخليلي الدعوية في مواجهة التيار الشيوعي بزنجبار <p><em>Sheikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al-Khalili stands as one of the most prominent scholars who actively opposed the ideology of atheism, dismantling its foundations. From his early years, he devoted himself to exposing its fallacies, notably its recurring claim that religions contribute to the destruction of civilization and the eradication of humanity. In contrast, Sheikh Al-Khalili maintained an entirely different perspective, shaped by his direct encounters with the atheist-communist movement in Zanzibar. This study thus aims to clarify the atheistic perspective on humanity by examining Sheikh Al-Khalili’s preaching efforts against the atheist-communist movement in Zanzibar. The study employed historical, descriptive, and analytical methodologies, concluding that atheist communism perpetrated brutal massacres in Zanzibar, decimating 4% of the local population. Communism entered Zanzibar during a period of neglect in Islamic preaching and a decline in religious education, which fueled African resentment toward Arabs. Despite his youth and the general lack of awareness among his contemporaries regarding the true nature of communist ideology, Sheikh Al-Khalili recognized the principles and dangers of atheistic communism early on. His efforts included advocating for the establishment of religious institutes in rural areas, raising youth awareness about the communist movement, and devising plans to rescue the deteriorating educational landscape in the country</em><em>.</em></p> Khalid Ahmed Saleh Al Toqi Muhammed Yusof Mohammad Abdelhamid Salem Qatawneh Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 144 171 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.10 التطاول على الفتوى ومظاهر انتشار الأقوال الشاذة في بلاد يوربا النيجيرية <p><em>Fatwa enjoys an enviable position among the Muslims, most especially the jurists who are saddled with the responsibility of issuing religious verdicts to evolving social, economic and political matters. Resulting from this, the sensitivity of issuing verdict and its need for regulation cannot be underestimated. More so, the negative impact of unregulated fatwas on causing rancor and social instability cannot be glossed over. Against this backdrop, this research aims to study this manifestation, using Yorubaland in Nigeria, a region with majority of Muslim population as case study. The study adopts analytical method of research. The study shows that issuing strange fatwa is not peculiar to a particular school of thought in the region; rather both the Sufi and Salafi scholars are guilty of the menace. It also highlights some causes of this phenomenon which include lack of considering the peculiarity of societies, non-specialization in Shari’ah and giving priority to ideological inclination above objectivity. The study recommends collective fatwa issuing as a lasting solution for the menace of strange fatwas in Yorubaland of Nigeria.</em></p> Nafiu Ahmad Arikewuyo Habeebullah Yusuf Bolajoko Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 172 191 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.11 استكشاف عوامل التنمر على سلوك الطلاب في التعليم الأساسي بمدارس سلطنة عمان <p><em>Education is considered a vital pillar in achieving progress and development. Therefore, countries have paid great attention to it by establishing schools and universities and preparing competent teachers. However, the educational process cannot achieve its goals unless its environment is free from behavioral problems, among which bullying stands out as one of the most significant and dangerous issues. This is due to its rapid spread in classrooms, and without urgent educational solutions, the educational process would fail. In the era of globalization and social media, bullying has become more widespread worldwide, affecting schools in the Sultanate of Oman. This research aims to describe the phenomenon, identify its causes and negative consequences, examine the role of relevant authorities in Oman in addressing the problem, explore the correlation between bullying and students' behavior, and assess the extent to which the Islamic perspective can offer legitimate solutions to address bullying. The researcher employed the descriptive correlational method to describe the phenomenon, study its variables, and analyze its impact on the educational environment in Oman. Additionally, the analytical comparative method was utilized to compare the phenomenon with the study samples, analyze the collected data, and interpret related information. The findings were presented objectively to highlight the central ideas of the study and provide a clear vision for addressing the problem.</em></p> Abdul Sallam Awadh Fahd al-Syanfari Mohamad Azrien Mohamed Adnan Muhammad Azhar Zailani Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 14 2 192 229 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.12 Sectarian Violence in Quetta Balochistan using the Theory of Othering <p>This paper applies the "theory of Othering" to evaluate sectarian violence in Quetta, Balochistan, with the objective of understanding its impact on community dynamics and identity. This descriptive study employs content analysis of secondary sources, including research articles, books, and journals, along with a desk survey. The methodology involves categorizing and interpreting collected data to derive meaningful insights into sectarian conflicts<strong>.</strong> The study reveals that sectarianism has inflicted numerous crises upon the people of Balochistan, where Sunni and Shia communities are primarily engaged in continual skirmishes, the practice of violence, the prosecution of each other’s fundamental rights to education, freedom, and even life, terrorist attacks, and target killings. Additionally, the analysis highlights the historical context of sectarian tensions, tracing their roots to political, economic, and social factors contributing to violence. The study concluded that Shia Hazaras in Quetta are marginalized due to ongoing sectarian violence, leading to their Othering in society. Recommendations include promoting interfaith dialogue and enhancing law enforcement to ensure equitable access to public services for all communities.</p> Wali Muhammad Wan Zailan Kamaruddin Wan Ali Atifah Ahmad Yusoff Fumitaka Furuoka Copyright (c) 2024 ALBASIRAH JOURNAL 2025-01-14 2025-01-14 14 2 230 243 10.22452/basirah.vol14no2.14